Omnipotence and the problem of evil

Related posts: Opposition in all things; Creation ex nihilo; The Fall of Man: The Doctrine Classical theism affirms that God is omnipotent. But the meaning of this varies from person to person. Can God do only what is logically possible? Are there only non-logical limits to God’s power? Is God’s power limited by our free … Continue reading “Omnipotence and the problem of evil”

Related posts: Opposition in all things; Creation ex nihilo; The Fall of Man: The Doctrine

Classical theism affirms that God is omnipotent. But the meaning of this varies from person to person. Can God do only what is logically possible? Are there only non-logical limits to God’s power? Is God’s power limited by our free will? If God has all the power are we powerless? If we have some power then to what extent is God limited?

Most people don’t believe that God can make 1 + 1 + 1 = 1, but do believe God can cure the sick and prevent accidents. But understanding omnipotence to mean God can do only what is logically possible isn’t enough: It’s logically possible God doesn’t exist. Consequently, some Christians define omnipotence as having all possible power, or maximal power. Continue reading “Omnipotence and the problem of evil”